Header at top of page: Catching Your Breath - Strategies to reduce environmental factors that impact asthma in children  
Resources for state health and environment agencies working together to reduce asthma in children. Sponsored by ECOS.

Basic Information resources          >>> One pager

What is asthma and why do kids get it?

American Lung Association.
Overview of Childhood Asthma
Short introduction to what asthma is, how it affects the lungs, how episodes are triggered

US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Children's Health Protection.
Asthma and Upper Respiratory Diseases

Discusses allergic and non-allergic triggers for asthma and possible environmental causes.

What triggers asthma attacks?

Asthma and Environmental Triggers (Connecticut Department of Public Health)

What is the monetary cost of asthma in children?

National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health, Georgetown University. Lauren Raskin, (Feb. 2000)
Breathing Easy: Cost of Asthma http://www.ncemch.org/policy/asthma.html#The Cost of Asthma

US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Children's Health Protection.
National Costs of Asthma for 1997. August 2000. Draft report [cached copy in PDF format]

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Last updated July 30, 2001 | Send questions or comments to adkyle@ix.netcom.com | © Copyright 2001 Amy D. Kyle

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